"Be Still and Know"
Silent Retreat
Experience Silence
This scientific set of practices is designed help you re-discover the sacred silence within and to connect profoundly with your authentic self. We focus on both the wisdom teaching of Yoga and Yogic practices to help you both experience and to sustain inner connection and awareness. Availability is limited, please inquire.
More details below and in this YouTube retreat introduction.

Why Practice Silence?
Silence is peace. In a world that seems to become ever more complex and busy, it is important to take time to turn within and experience silence. There is no better cure than what ails us than to be silent, and yet we do not know how to be truly silent. To merely stop talking is not really to be silent. If one stops talking but the racing thoughts are there, it will case heat and agitation in the mind. Yoga provides practical techniques for bringing silence and peace to the mind, which helps one reconnect with the true Self.

"The aim of life is silence. Silence is the language of God or Brahman. Peace is silence. Silence is the language of the heart."
- Swami Sivananda


The practices in silence are open to all seekers, regardless of tradition, and is held in sacred and safe space with respect for all. It is conducted in accordance with the holistic and all-inclusive teachings of Swami Sivananda. The only requirements of the participants are that they are genuine in their intent, that they be kind and respectful of all during the program, that they participate fully in all aspects including in seva (selfless service). All participants asked to participate fully in order to take away an understanding of how the practices in total may be of benefit to them.

Daily Schedule
-- Wakeup (5:30am)
-- Satsang (meditation, kirtan, dharma talk)
-- Yoga Class
-- Brunch (vegetarian)
Afternoons (varies depending on day):
-- Tea & Dharma Talk
-- Yoga Class (gentle)
-- Walking Meditation
-- Spiritual Counseling with Swami
-- Seva
-- Dinner (vegetarian)
-- Peace Chanting
-- Satsang (meditation, kirtan, dharma talk)
-- Lights out
Arriving at the Retreat:
Late afternoon on the first day. Usually 3pm to 5pm but determined on a per retreat basis.
Departing from the Retreat:
Late afternoon on the last day.
Exact time determined on a per retreat basis.